Beeq is our electric bicycle brand, recognized for its design, technology, and sustainability. With models adapted to different needs and audiences, Beeq offers options for both urban use and off-road adventures.
Beeq e-bikes are known for their modern design and their ability to offer a comfortable and safe riding experience. Our core mission is to combat sedentary lifestyles and bad mobility habits. We believe that bicycles are the means of transport of the future, significantly reducing pollution in cities and the time wasted in traffic. The only thing that is increased is the quality time spent with family.
Beeq champions a world that does not stop and is in constant motion. It champions a world where people arrive on time to their appointments and are never late for their jobs. It champions good family moments spent exploring and cycling. It champions those who set off on an adventure with their backpacks on. It champions those who take advantage of the weekend to unwind, holding onto the handlebars of a bicycle. It champions those who need to feel both wheels in motion and the wind in their face, in a clear sense of freedom. It champions those who pedal; those who pedal a lot, those who pedal a little, and those who pedal so-so. Those who ride out of necessity, those who ride for pleasure, and those who do it for both reasons. It champions those who ride in groups and those who prefer to organize their thoughts while riding alone. It champions all of this and, consequently, challenges the old habits that block this idea of constant movement.
"E-bikers Against Bad Habits" Campaign